6th June 2009 - New review


It is widely claimed that there is a massive loss of the cells involved in Parkinson's Disease (the dopaminergic neurons), and that the loss of these cells is responsible for causing Parkinson's Disease. However, not a single study has ever shown this. This false assumption came about during the 1990's after researchers carried out autopsy studies on people that had Parkinson's Disease. They mistakenly claimed that they had found a considerable loss of the cells that produce dopamine. However, their methods did not even measure cell loss.

They measured cell activity instead. Their results and methods of those of others have shown that, in Parkinson's Disease, there is a large reduction in the activity of the dopaminergic neurons rather than a loss of them - down to about 20%-25% in mild Parkinson's Disease, and down to 5%-10% in severe Parkinson's Disease. There have been subsequent claims of massive cell loss in Parkinson's Disease. However, those claims have also been based on methods, such as the f-Dopa PET scan, that only measure cell activity rather than actual cell loss. Failure to properly scrutinise these studies has enabled the myth of massive cell loss in Parkinson's Disease to persist and become a widely prevalent assumption - even though not a single study has ever shown it to be true. For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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