7th October 2010 - New research


Neurology [2010] 75 (14) : 1270-1276  (Forsaa EB, Larsen JP, Wentzel-Larsen T, Alves G.)  Complete abstract

Researchers have attempted to identify the risk factors of mortality in Parkinson's Disease. In order of likelihood the percentage increase in those factors most predictive of mortality were found to be : dementia 89%, male gender 63%, age 51%,  psychotic symptoms 45%, age of onset 40%, and movement disability 18%. Dementia is not actually a Parkinson's Disease symptom. However, it often eventually but not inevitably coincides with it. There was no significant impact of antipsychotic or Parkinson's Disease drugs on survival. The authors suggest that early prevention of movement disability and development of psychosis and dementia may be the most promising strategies to increasing life expectancy in Parkinson's Disease. Given that no one factor has a really profound effect, and as Parkinson's Disease in itself is not a fatal disorder, it appears that general health  more commonly determines life expectancy in Parkinson's Disease. For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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