19th April 2011 - New research


Minerva Medica [2011] 102 (2) : 125-132 (Bosco D, Plastino M, Bosco F, Fava A, Rotondo A) Complete abstract
                                                                                                                                                                               The aim of the present study was to evaluate the use in advanced Parkinson's Disease of Melevodopa, which is undergoing testing. Continuous intravenous infusions of L-Dopa as a treatment for Parkinson's Disease are limited by the insolubility and acidity of L-Dopa. Melevodopa, which is a  methyl ester of L-dopa, overcomes this as it is a soluble neutral derivative.  In previous studies Melevodopa led to a significantly more rapid reversal of "off" periods, and reduction in "off" time, and more readily led to "on" periods. In the present study, when people were switched from Sinemet to Melevodopa people improved regarding their "On-time". 

The benefit was greater in people with "delayed-on", and especially in those with both "delayed-on" and "wearing-off". Most patients showed a significant improvement in PDQ-39 total score (a standard Parkinson's Disease symptom questionnaire). The authors conclude that Melevodopa is an effective agent for improving daily motor performance and quality-of-life in Parkinson's Disease with "delayed-on", also in association with "wearing-off". For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.

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