16th June 2012 - New research


Movement Disorders [2012] Jun 19 [Epub ahead of print] (Palacios N, Gao X, O'Reilly E, Schwarzschild M, McCullough ML, Mayo T, Gapstur SM, Ascherio AA.) Complete abstract

Addictive behaviours, such as cigarette smoking and coffee drinking, have been associated with a reduced risk of Parkinson's Disease. Whether alcohol consumption is also associated with Parkinson's Disease risk is less certain. A huge study has shown that alcohol consumption was not significantly associated with the risk of Parkinson's Disease. The likelihood of Parkinson's Disease was only slightly elevated at 1.29 times the normal likelihood in men consuming the greatest quantity of alcohol, but was slightly reduced at 0.77 times the normal likelihood in women consuming the greatest quantity of alcohol. Overall, consumption of beer, wine, or spirits was also not associated with Parkinson's Disease risk. For a printable version of this article click here
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